Friday 31st May

Star of the week LB6 Week 6

For being using my thinking skills to come up with lots of fantastic creative ideas, when building models and structures using loose parts and wooden blocks.
For being very adaptable and a great enquirer during our visits to Year 1. Even though you were ill you were enthusiastic and curious! Well done!
For being a thinker and demonstrating your excellent knowledge of how to tell the time, and applying this to solve word problems. Well done!
For being so principled towards his friends. You are always so caring when someone is feeling sad or unwell.

For being being incredibly principled and respectful all year long. You are a truly gentle, kind and patient boy. A pleasure to teach.
For setting yourself high standards, challenging yourself with your learning and always working your hardest. You should feel very proud of your achievements this year!
For being a super thinker when working with me to do conversions of g, kg, m, km, ml, l, mm and m!
For applying your resilience and risk-taking skills whilst learning about angles in triangles.

