Our Story
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you enjoy finding out more about learning at iCAN.
At iCAN, we model a love of learning. We offer exciting and engaging learning for children from Early Years all the way to the end of the Primary Years. We are continually striving to improve learning for all members of our iCAN community and our dedication and passion are reflected in the happy faces of our learners throughout each school day.
Located right in the heart of Phnom Penh, we are privileged to have a safe and welcoming campus that enables our children and community to experience learning both inside and outside of the classroom.
We offer a truly internationally minded education. We believe that developing and embracing international mindedness is the key to a successful future for our enthusiastic and effective learners. Learning at iCAN is a collaborative effort where children, families and our learning team share in the sense of accomplishment, and the joy in celebrating learning in all its different forms. As well as supportive families, one of the most important factors in our children’s learning journey is a qualified, experienced and caring learning facilitator who is passionate about learning. Learning is centre stage at iCAN, our teachers are ‘learning facilitators’ who facilitate learning through offering our learners the support and resources necessary to take more control of their own learning process. Every day our team goes the extra mile to provide the best possible learning environment.
One of our strengths as a school is to recognise and celebrate similarities and differences in all forms. iCAN is an environment that allows learners’ talents to flourish; one that is innovative, progressive and grounded in trust, compassion and respect. We celebrate what is special about each child and give them opportunities to shine.
We truly believe in our vision; To inspire every child to recognise their full potential, believe they can make a difference and respect themselves, others and the world in which they live. We know that our children can and will go on to make a difference in the world in which we live. They will communicate their views and opinions clearly and articulately with passion and commitment. They will be empathetic and caring towards others and they will know that working cooperatively is beneficial for all. They will have developed the skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to respectfully question decisions that they think are not fair for all. This deep seated belief in our vision is why I personally have committed a huge part of my life to iCAN since 2004.
I feel incredibly grateful that my own two children have had the opportunity to learn at iCAN from Nursery to Year 9. The learning experiences they have had here have contributed hugely to the young adults they have become.
The concept of cooperation leading to success is not new. There are examples of this message which transcend borders, cultures, religion and time. There is a Buddhist saying, ‘If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.’ iCAN children are going to be lighting lamps and going far together!
Please contact us and arrange a visit if you would like to find out more and see if learning within our iCAN community would be a good fit for your family. We would be delighted to meet with you share our unique school and show you why it is so special.
Lori Hastings