For your convenience, the following two (2) optional plans are available for payment of annual tuitions:
PLAN 1: Single payment – The entire balance is paid by 3rd June 2024.
PLAN 2: Four payments – Payments are made in four installments and are due by 3rd June 2024 (1st installment), 7th October 2024 (2nd installment), 8th January 2025 (3rd installment) and 1st April 2025 (4th installment), respectively.
PLAN 1 single payment |
PLAN 2 four payments |
TUITION FEES** | |||||
2024-2025 | 3 Jun 2024 |
3 Jun 2024 |
7 Oct 2024 |
8 Jan 2025 |
1 Apr 2025 |
YEAR GROUP | |||||
iCAN PLAY - Early Years half day | 5358 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404 | 1404 |
iCAN PLAY - Early Years full day | 10974 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 |
Years 1 & 2 (MP1) | 10974 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 |
Years 3 & 4 (MP2) | 10974 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 | 2882 |
Years 5 & 6 (MP3) | 11807 | 3102 | 3102 | 3102 | 3102 |
ENROLMENT FEE EYFS & MP1: $1000 MP2 & MP3: $1500
This enrolment fee is a one-time charge for new learners to iCAN (iCAN PLAY to Year 6) The enrolment fee is 100% non-refundable or transferable if, after paying this fee, a family decide not to enrol or re-enrol their child at iCAN. Learners moving between key stages (MP1-MP2 and MP3) pay a $500 top-up enrolment fee when they return their re-enrolment form.
ANNUAL CAPITAL FEE EYFS: $1000 MP1, MP2 & MP3: $1200
This capital fee is required for all learners, new and returning, and is applied to cover the costs of maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of the iCAN campus & facilities, the maintenance and upgrade of the information technology available at iCAN, and to help fund future development at iCAN. This fee must be paid in full by Monday 22nd April 2024. The capital fee is a non-refundable and non-transferable charge.
INTENSIVE E.A.L. (sessions offered at schools discretion) $200-250/month
iCAN may offer specialised assistance to learners who have limited English language skills. E.A.L. tuition is additional to the main tuition listed overleaf and is determined by proficiency assessment.
LEARNING SUPPORT (this fee will be calculated on individual need)
1. All tuitions and fees are due on the indicated dates. Late payments will incur an additional $25 per week charge, which will continue to be added each week thereafter until the fees are made current. Failure to make payments within three (3) weeks will result in exclusion of your child from iCAN. In the case of there being a waiting list for your child’s class, the place will be given to the first child on that list.
2. Payments may be made in the following ways:
- a) US Dollar cheque drawn on a bank in Phnom Penh
- b) Bank transfer into the school’s bank account
- c) Cash
Notes: i) Transferring party is responsible to pay all bank transfer charges. ii) Any Any cash note determined to be fraudulent – whether by iCAN or by our registered bank is the responsibility of and shall be replaced by the family who supplied the note for payment.
3. Full tuition payment will be required for the quarter in which enrolment occurs, regardless of the date of enrolment – i.e. no partial quarterly payments will be allowed.
4. Refunds on paid tuitions will be granted at 90% value for learners leaving during the school year upon written requests only for full quarters not attended – i.e. no partial quarterly refunds will be given.
Notes: Refunds on tuition fees are applicable to learners being withdrawn from iCAN permanently and DO NOT apply to learners who are absent for a period of time but remain on roll.
5. New Learners: If requested by an individual family who pays school fees out of pocket, child number 3, 4, etc. may be granted a 10% discount on tuition fees only (excluding EAL and other fees: enrolment, capital, etc.). We do not discount our fees if you take extra holidays during school time or if your child is ill.